Monday, October 26, 2009

List of Danish MMA Gyms

As i have already made a list of pro fighters to illustrate how well it's going for the danish MMA community, i though why not also make a list of MMA-gyms(Especially one that can be found on google!).
All these gyms are active, and the ones marked with a star are members of the Shooters MMA organization.(The list is 100% out of any order)

Fightcraft* (Copenhagen)
Fighterzone* (Roskilde)
Frederikssund Free Fight *
Combat sports academy Copenhagen (CSA)
The Colosseum* (Århus)
Arte Suave (Copehagen)
True Vikings* (Næstved)
Submission Fighting Aalborg
Skagen Fight Gym*
MMA Esbjerg*
Odense Bushido Klub
MMA Nakskov
CTC fight (former Køge Submission Center)
Sønderborg MMA/Fight Club*
Shootfighting Viborg*
Roskilde Fight Factory

Also, there are someone trying to start a gym in Vejle, but it might take some time before they have the training facilities. Even though, if you are from Vejle, try contacting Vejle MMA manager Jacob Graungaard


  1. ... Pinligt :p
    Den bliver selvfølgeligt lagt til!

  2. hi, I'll be moving to Copenhagen in a few months and I would like to get some advice on witch mma gym I should go to. I've already trained mma and I wouldn't consider myself a noobie.

  3. I'll suggest that you try out the 3 gyms that you can train at in Copenhagen: Fightcraft, CSA and Arte Suave and then see which fits you the best.
    All of the gyms have different strengths.

  4. Hey jakob her !
    bor i vejle ku godt tænkte mig at træne MMA, nogen der ka fortælle mig om der er et sted i Vejle hvor man kan træne ? og hvor gammel skal man være

  5. Prøv at sende en email til

  6. Hej...

    Vejle mma køre stille og rolig der ud af..

    For lidt mere info tjek:
